euphoria before total implosion

Yawn: A Grab Bag of Boring Updates

It is winter, therefore there are few developments in New England bicycle racing. I have no comment on Lance, Floyd or any of the other dopers. If I hear of any cat 3’s doping, then I’ll have something to say.But there have been developments with me. Boring ones. But if you are reading this blog, you are either my friend or you have no life. Either way, you’ll probably continue to read.

Email Exchange Between Battenkill and RMM Subject: TOUR OF THE BATTENKILL PRO/AM

Below is the text of an email exchange between me and the Battenkill Registration staff that started about 12 hours after I registered for the cat 3 race. The exchange took place over a 4-6 hour period. It appears that I have more than one interloculator based on textual cues such as terseness of language and lack of punctuation in some of the emails, while others are well composed and

Email Exchange Between Battenkill and RMM Subject: TOUR OF THE BATTENKILL PRO/AM

Below is the text of an email exchange between me and the Battenkill Registration staff that started about 12 hours after I registered for the cat 3 race. The exchange took place over a 4-6 hour period. It appears that I have more than one interloculator based on textual cues such as terseness of language and lack of punctuation in some of the emails, while others are well composed and

RMM Throws Down the Gauntlet: Why I Registered for Battenkill.

I have received a trickle of comments about my decision to register for Battenkill. After my history of protesting the price of the race and the lack of rider support that the inflated race fee gets you, people seem surprised that I would participate in this event. In fact, I even got a personal email from one of the co-promoters that states: “We Are Surprised.” <!–[if !supportEmptyParas]–

RMM Throws Down the Gauntlet: Why I Registered for Battenkill.

I have received a trickle of comments about my decision to register for Battenkill. After my history of protesting the price of the race and the lack of rider support that the inflated race fee gets you, people seem surprised that I would participate in this event. In fact, I even got a personal email from one of the co-promoters that states: “We Are Surprised.” <!–[if !supportEmptyParas]–

David Wilcox and the T Shirt Project

I have known David Wilcox for 6-7 years. When I first met him, he was the kindly shop manager of the pre-move/renovation Bikes Not Bombs who helped me remove a seized lockring from my fixed gear commuter, free of charge (it required inhuman strength and special tools). While I was volunteering with the BNB youth program, David was always around, patient, interested and helpful. A couple of

David Wilcox and the T Shirt Project

I have known David Wilcox for 6-7 years. When I first met him, he was the kindly shop manager of the pre-move/renovation Bikes Not Bombs who helped me remove a seized lockring from my fixed gear commuter, free of charge (it required inhuman strength and special tools). While I was volunteering with the BNB youth program, David was always around, patient, interested and helpful. A couple of

Geekhouse is Having a Party this Monday Night and RMM is Crashing It.

It has been a big week for parties for me to ruin with my sullen moods and my judgmental, negative comments. But the best party for me to bring down is happening at the Middlesex Lounge this Monday night. Last year the Geekhouse party had the most interesting culture clash in cycling. Hipsters mingled and drank, while stunned, uptight roadies silently held up the walls, while sipping water and

Superb Presents Bella Bicicletta and RMM Ruins the Event by “Promoting” It

I like fancy bikes and beautiful people. Superb’s event promises to have both in abundance. It was fun last year; I was the most unhip person there, so don’t allow this communication medium fool you, this is an event for the young, hip cyclists. Expect DJ’s, booze, socializing and geeking out over bicycles.Here’s the official press release:Superb Bicycle is proud to present Bella Biciclette,

Throw the Bums Out! Why Do New England Racers Need the UCI Anyways?

The UCI may do some great things for international cyclocross, but here in New England they are an unnecessary pain in the ass. There are a few arguments about why making an event a UCI event is good for the sport; they all add up to a steaming pile of…First allow me to enumerate the ways in which the UCI designation makes races less logical and less fun:1. Staging order: Once upon a time, we